First Home Buyers
The Three Steps of Buying your home:
Things you will need to consider, and prepare for as you start on your journey to buying a home.
How much do you really need for a deposit?
How do I save for that deposit?
How do I get the First Home Owner Grant (FHOG)
Learn what you need to organise when you want to buy and how to estimate properties prices.
Understanding Approvals
Different ways of buying a House
How to understand a properties worth.
How you can be ready to purchase and settle, then manage your home loan after settlement.
Property settlement; how does it work
How can bank Valuations and purchase price be different?
Pre settlement inspections: ask us
As trusted advisors we can coach and assist you through your first home buying journey from start to finish, our services are without any cost or obligation and we are available at all times.
Why you would need us in your corner to help guide you through the 3 steps.